In keeping with the 3 R spirit, I've been reusing steam pipe insulation from our sock mill, wrapping it around our process heat system piping in the plant. I've seen a nice increase in overnight glycol tank temperatures with the insulation in place, holding the glass furnace waste heat nicely. Aluminum shielding is wrapped around the insulation as a protective covering. Here's a picture of some insulated pipe.
Jim Gosnell of Industrial Integration insulated the glycol tank recently to conserve the heat we're harvesting from the glass furnace exhaust. It is really holding the heat in well. He used a spray foam insulation kit that went on in less than an hour. Jim applied it on one of the warmer days we've had so far this year. It was balmy, in the low 60s that day, and he applied it in the afternoon with the sun shining in through our open garage door.
Several of our friends from Wet Dog Glass fabricated and installed working platforms and catwalk. We reused safety rails and angle iron from throughout the plant to bring it all together. Many thanks to Mac, Phil and Evan for all their work, and Eddie for providing Wet Dog equipment and workspace! Here is a picture from the first couple days working on the platform.
... and below is how it looks now with railing and nearly complete. I just have to touch up the safety yellow paint on the welds and some worn areas.
Our grease collection truck hasn't been on the road collecting yet, and the battery doesn't like sitting unused in this cold weather. I brought in my solar panel trickle charger to help it out.
After a few days with the solar panel plugged into the truck, it still didn't want to start, so I guess the battery may need to be replaced. I'm charging the battery with a plugin charger just to be certain. We'll have this truck on the road soon to be collecting UFOs in our area... that's used fryer oil, not extraterrestrial flying ships ;)
Send an email or call at 910.428.9001 if you want us to recycle your UFO to make biodiesel.